CTM Festival25 A2A workshop: Jorge Wienecke V (obese.dogma777)
Thursday, 30.01.25, door 13:00
  • 14:00 Post-Budots: Everyday Sounds as the New Avant-Garde


Morphine Raum,
Köpenicker Str. 147, 10997 Berlin
Hinterhof 1. Etage

The budots genre, an undeniably local phenomenon, is often relegated to the realms of campy, kitsch entertainment. Originating from Davao in the Philippines, budots emerged as a playful and raw expression of grassroots creativity. It’s the sound of makeshift dancefloors, backyard discos, and borrowed speakers. Yet, beneath its lighthearted facade lies a profound potential: the transformation of the mundane into art. Post-budots takes this potential further, recontextualizing the genre into a space that celebrates both its origins and its capacity for abstraction.

Jorge Wieneke V aka obese.dogma777 will lead a hands-on exploration of the universe of (post-)budots, using its ethos of transforming everyday sounds and struggles into art, playfulness, and accessibility.

In the workshop’s first section, participants will listen through tracks from various producers, learning to identify hallmark sounds and atmospheres of the genre and navigating its gradual evolution to post-budots. Intersecting budots with inspiration from various avant-garde music traditions, the group will also brainstorm ordinary sounds from their respective offline and online environments and see how these can be recontextualised in unique and idiosyncratic compositions.
In the second section, we will look at budots and post-budots track composition using professional tools such as Ableton Live. We’ll also look at mobile apps as tools for sonic creation.

Come with a playful mindset and ears open to dancing through the chaos! Requirements

The workshop is open to all levels, though some level of music production is helpful. Participants are invited to bring their laptops and are urged to own a DAW or music production software such as Ableton Live to follow along the track creation process.
