Black Communion 1 – day 1
Thursday, 25.04.24, door 20:00
  • 20:30 JWords
  • 21:15 Astan KA
  • 22:00 Eiliyas

15 Euro for the evening
25 Euro for both evenings

Morphine Raum,
Köpenicker Str. 147, 10997 Berlin
Hinterhof 1. Etage

BLACK Communion is the sharing of experiences from the transnational Afro-diaspora, breaking down genre boundaries and encouraging experimentation through collaboration. This event series is a celebration of the connection between artists coming from various backgrounds and creative communities, united by their sonic activism ranging from composition to improvisation and sound art practices.

Empowering all, expanding the reach of our cultures through the sharing of our aural expression, entangling conventions with unexpected interventions. Enriching each individual artist as well as the audience in attendance.

For each of the first 3 editions there will be encounters of 3 artists from either the Americas, Europe and Africa. The first evening each artist will perform on their own and on the second evening there will be open collaborations amongst the 3.

JWords is a producer, composer breaking boundaries in black electronic and hip-hop music successfully fusion the two genres together to create a whole new world for herself. An arsenal of synthesizers and drum machines have become her signature in creating dynamic live performances. Having produced albums like ‘ve·loc·i·ty’ by H31R which is a duo between maassai and JWords. She’s also produced for rapper Nappy Nina and their album is called ‘Double Down’.

Astan KA is an artistic performer, singer-rapper, actress, mover and event curator based in Berlin. French-Malian, she considered herself as a child of reconciliation. Her music is mostly experimental as she explores various genres such as jazz, drill, trap, slam, trip-hop or ethno/afro electronic sounds. She develops a musical universe that she names “gangsta jazz”. Astan is the lead singer of the band Asphalt Djelis and a member of the Berlin based music collective Sonic Interventions. She enjoys performing with voice machines.
She is the co-founder of Cult’Sup’, a cultural event focusing on afro-hybrid artistic content and ancestral knowledge. Astan is also doing styling work for the Afro-Futuristic fashion cultural concept KASAPIO.

Eiliyas is a sound artist and researcher. In his installations, performances as well as audio zines and sonic essays he has an interest in societies and cultures relationship through sound and music, and the study of audio, visual and text based interactions especially in psychological impressions and sound related possibilities.
He is the host and creator of the platform Mixtape Menage, a blog/podcast that aims to get to know the creators and cultural facilitators through their music collection. He is a creator and curator of BLACK Communion, an upcoming event series beginning Spring 2024 in Berlin, Germany that showcases explorative and experimental music/sound art of the afro diaspora inviting artist from the North America, Europe and Africa to convene and converse in sonic practices.

Kindly supported by: Musikfonds, Initiative Neue Musik, Morphine Raum and Mixtape Menage
