- 20:30 EROSÃO PERCUSSION TRIO - Album recording
10 Euro donation for the artists
Morphine Raum,Köpenicker Str. 147, 10997 Berlin
Hinterhof 1. Etage
EROSÃO PERCUSSION TRIO was originally conceived to perform a live version of the album EROSÃO (2021) by the Brazilian drummer, singer and composer Mariá Portugal, who currently lives in Germany. For this task, Portugal invited two prolific percussionists from the Berlin echtzeitmusik scene: Mexican Emilio Gordoa and German Burkhard Beins. With a distinct combination of three different cultural backgrounds, EPT has built its own characteristic sonority and a unique and collective creative process. The trio is now preparing new material with new songs from Portugal, which will be recorded at a live concert at Morphine Raum in Berlin on June 3, 2024. The album will be released by the German label Squama.

Photo by Carina Khorkhordina