nowhere, OK
Monday, 06.11.23, door 20:00
- 20:30 nowhere, OK
10 Euro donation for the artists
Morphine Raum,Köpenicker Str. 147, 10997 Berlin
Hinterhof 1. Etage
Felix Nussbaumer - analog radio, DIY-electronic instruments, composition
Nelly Jüsten - prepared piano/upright, transducer keyboard, composition
Aya Masui - extended snare drum, field recordings, sampler, objects

nowhere, OK
In the middle of Oklahoma, at the intersection of E1280 Road and County Street 2550, lies a small town called „Nowhere“. The name of the place originates from a cynical comment made about where the town is situated – in the middle of endless plains, without any marks of industrial civilization in sight. Yet it stuck as the official town name.